Knowledge through experiencePersonal Project that lives thanks to the world

Hello everybody

I would like introduce myself

Lucia Arcangeli Jan 10, 2016

Hello everybody


My name is Lucia Arcangeli, I’m 28 years old, I was born in Cervara di Roma, the highest municipality of “Valle dell’Aniene” far 70Km from Rome Italy. I grew up in a unique environment, my village full of creativity; of art, paintings, writings, poetry and sculpture. I love sports and nature which is why my studies were multifaceted, from architecture to sports. During my studies in architecture I had the opportunity to learn and to test not only in the field of buildings all the different kind of buildings, but also in the field of sport. In particular I teach people swimming and climbing, that permits me to learn the value of collaboration, verbal learning and nonverbal learning, putting me in contact with different ages. I graduated recently in “Architecture and Construction Techniques”, my thesis was about prototyping, a subject very actual at the moment.

3D Passion
3D Passion

I focused on Prototyping concept “model/prototype”, above all in the Theoretical representation and Experimental Aspect I choose this, attracted to new techniques of digital print having relevancy in architecture and design field also. It’s for these reasons that today I focus on the FABLAB’s reality, to discover and learn all the aspects of prototyping.

March 2015 Graduation day
March 2015 Graduation day

If you want you can!

The contribution to put my passion to engage people. My goal and hope is to communicate the right message and convey the right emotion. The knowledge through the experience in my opinion is the key to personal growth. User experience is an example of the a emerging practice in a constantly evolving world. Whether you’re a curious it’s important stay up-to-date on the latest conversations and ideas happening in the “Fab Lab Wgnt”. So how do you stay updated? Here’s a clue: you’re doing it right now. Reading blogs is a quick and easy way to remain current. Below you’ll find some of my experience in New Zealand;

To be continued…

I'm coming ! New Zeland.
I'm coming ! New Zeland.

Welcome to New Zealand

Project Torno Subito

Lucia Arcangeli Jan 14, 2016

My Project What was , what is, what will be!

I am participating in a “regionally based EU project” this initiative is to utilise the resources provided by the European Social Fund (ESF), 2014-2020, for the strengthening of human capital. The aim is to upgrade different skills of recipients and create real conditions for the execution of a “job” experience .That allows me to be in relation with two different realities, one abroad, in Fab Lab Wgtn, and the second here in Italy, in my own region Lazio inside the “Fab Lab SPQwoRk” of Rome.

The target of initiative is:

Intelligent: acknowledge and innovation

Sustainable: economy more efficient, more green and competitive

Inclusive: economy to promote occupation and social cohesion

Individuals eligible to present a proposal

Individuals eligible to apply: university students, university graduates, graduates of Technical High Schools, Italian citizens or foreigners who have been resident in Lazio for at least 6 months, aged between 18-35 years old.

Torno Subito Estero – TSE : as outlined in Phase 1 outside the region, outside of Italy, for a period of 3 to 6 months, as well as an experience of Phase 2 in Lazio, through internships and/or research projects, for a period ranging between 3 to 6 months.

The project will be in two steps:


  • outside of Italy from 3 to 6 months (Sydney Australia & Wellington New Zealand)

Firstly, I attended an English course in Sydney in order to improve my English, so that I can work in any part of the word. It’s just for a short time because I have only six months out of Italy to improve my English.

Secondly, I’m in New Zealand, through an invitation from Massey University FAB LAB WGTN (thank you Wendy) Fab Lab Wgtn is a digital fabrication laboratory equipped with accessible computer-controlled tools able to make almost anything.

Think of Fab Lab as an invention playground, an incubator of design ideas, a maker of possibilities, a creative ecosystem, and a place that gives anyone and everyone the technology to power their ideas. Part of a growing global network of Fab Labs affiliated to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Fab Lab Wgtn was Australasia’s first and sits within the School of Design at Massey University Wellington.


  • in my own region from 3 to 6 months again (Rome Italy)

I have another three months in Italy for a 3rd part of this project in a Prototype laboratory in Rome FAB LAB SPQwoRk (thank you Tommaso)

Open access to a wide range of tools, equipment, resources and work space. The FabLab SPQwoRk is aimed at young people and adults, but also children and young people of school age. Giving space to ideas that do not fit in most home workshops, access to a generational exchange of knowledge, focusing on the strong tradition of quality craftsmanship that has always characterized Italy, integrating it with the possibilities offered by digital fabrication. Fablab SPQwoRk has the intent to collect and cultivate highly creative working groups for the development of collaborative synergies between producers, thinkers , students, academics and entrepreneurs who share ideas , and want to create new products , new businesses to work, acquiring new abilities. An initiative of this kind would have an immeasurable impact on the community . Fablab SPQwoRk is dedicated to : ( fabber ) A place where people meet to discuss a possible project , then go directly to the development of the same … (artisans and start-up) a place where groped to start your own business becomes simplified to the bone , with no initial investment, available over the machinery for the job, a consulting service and risk analysis / feasibility of the business. ( makers) a place where you can do all that at home you can no longer do (students) to form a place to work that matters ( children) a place to develop the creativity of their children as a playground of the work ( students ) a place to train and mix their skills

My proposal wants to analyze which is the way to work abroad, in the field prototyping, and in the other side how it works in Italy.

Project experience who lives across the world!

I have chosen Oceania to propose a bilateral project between two different world’s reality, Italy and New Zealand, Geographical Antipodes, to enlarge my cultural and linguistic skills, having a school level of english and because I’d like to know that country for its culture and also for its nature and landscapes. I love technical and art drawing that is always with me since I was child.

In the different workplaces where I have been I learned the importance of team work and the concept of responsibilities at work. “I want to learn and, believe me, I’m a very hard worker”

I decided to do that, because I graduated in March 2015 in Architecture and I think it’s a good opportunity for me.

I need to improve my experience not only for my study, but in particular “to enhance my skills in this field of architecture” to help me make a final decision about my future…

Fly... so I came to the Fab Lab WGTN
Fly... so I came to the Fab Lab WGTN

To be continued…


Using other skills that we haven't used before

Lucia Arcangeli Jan 20, 2016

Step By Step Are you with me so far?!

1st month

- Wellington (New Zealand)


- About Fab Lab WGTN

Fab Lab Wgtn is a digital fabrication laboratory equipped with accessible computer-controlled tools able to make almost anything. Incubator of design ideas, a maker of possibilities, a creative ecosystem, and a place that gives anyone and everyone the technology to power their ideas. Part of a growing global network of Fab Labs affiliated to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Fab Lab Wgtn was Australasia’s first and sits within the School of Design at Massey University Wellington.

Managing Fab Lab Wgtn is furniture designer, Wendy Neale. With a digital and craft-based practice, Wendy designs and creates meaningful objects from waste and obsolete furniture, and also develops furniture with modified traditional joints using digital techniques. She’s most excited when combining the two.

Supporting the creators using Fab Lab Wgtn is Craig Hobern, a digital media designer with a background in embedded electronics. Craig is passionate about interactive and mixed media works, open source design projects and about helping designers have new adventures with digital and cnc processes.

There are a number of other designers working through Fab Lab Wgtn, with diverse experience and skills, from the broader community as well as within Massey.

- Tshirt design

Learning about pattern making
Learning about pattern making

- 1st laser cutter

Jewelry shape
Jewelry shape

- Chinese’s Lion

Sculpture and Scanning
Sculpture and Scanning

- Start Open Design & Digital Fabrication

1st, 2nd, 3th, 4th week Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Open Design & Digital Fabrication
Open Design & Digital Fabrication

2nd Month

- White board

learn through schemes
learn through schemes

- Fabduino

Fabduino Step by step
Fabduino Step by step

Downoald Fabduino Step by step

. Eagle Board

. Eagle Schematics

. Milling: Traces

. Milling: Holes

. Milling: Cut

. Milling: Gimp file

. Trotec Fiber+CO2: All passes

. Cut board Machine

. Make Fabduino

. Try Fabduino

- Nervous System Smart dinamic Object

Meeting example design open source about 3D Printing, programms, experience, material, projects.

Generative design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology. Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we create computer simulations to generate designs and use digital fabrication to realize products. Combines scientific research, computer graphics, mathematics, and digital fabrication to explore a new paradigm of product design and manufacture.

Design open source
Design open source

- 2nd Laser cutter

Laser cut
Laser cut

3th Month

- RGB45c LED


- 3th laser cutter and RGB45c

Lamp dimension
Lamp dimension

- 3D Printing Ultimakers machine

I want you to do 3D printing!
I want you to do 3D printing!

1st month


Lucia Arcangeli Jan 28, 2016

January Workflow: My firts month was hit by a huge quantity of new information.

A. It keeps my development in English

New words and concepts in English (every day)

Watch and learn through actions, if you not knowing the English!

B. Blog online Opportunity to test my learning by remaking my website

Improve English (writing , learning, listening , reading)

Composion Framework and Workflow

Understanding Code on Your Blog (Right click mouse to see other sites code!)

You don’t need to be a coding genius to rock your blog, but you should have a basic understanding of the terminology and a few tags up your sleeve to take your blog :)

C. Creation of the first items through the “laser cutter”

D. Make a sculputure of Chinese lion’s head for scanning

My goal was help my colleague. I worked clay and made a Chinese Lion’s head. Then we scanned it to use the 3D model file. In particular we needed the file to Design a head for Create A big real Chinese lion for a ceremony .

E. Creation of my first t-shirt

Learning about pattern making

F. Team project: Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Observe students working on a project to understand how to develop an idea , in this case the issue is the Light , The lamp

F.1. About Team project 1st Week: Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Aim: In this studio paper students will utilise open design methodologies and digital fabrication tools to produce an open design project. They will explore the possibilities and articulate issues related to an open design phylosophy whilst developing skills in making and digital fabrication.

In groups of three, you will investigate the idea of open design and apply what you’re learned to a design project, expanding and developing an existing open design concept and redistributing your developed design into the word for others to evaluate and work with.

The project will be tackled in groups. Fab lab wgtn will provide a short list of open design concept for your group to select from. Your group is required to develop an existing open concept. The Fab Lab will short- list a range of concepts from which you can choose. The Fab Lab has a wide variety of resources to utilise, and we would like to see you explore a number of these in detail. Pick a project that has potential to use 2-3 separate processes to complete it.

F.2.1. 1st Week Open Design & Digital Fabrication was about:

Introduction to the Paper, introduction the brief, introduction to Fab Lab WGTN.

Costruction project groups - Team Parsnip, Team Wawy, Team Illumination

Research and studio, development idea.

Introduction of open design Whakapapa

By group research presentations

F.2.2. Manifesto

Team Parsnip

As a team we want to utlise our skills,disciplines and interests as a way to learn of eachother and produce a more resolved Open deisgn outcome. We will work as a family of designers that are there to support our group and others. Every idea,opinion, and voice will be heard to help us visualise the bigger picture. Encouraging eachother to speak there minds, and supporting them when done.We want to be inspired and curious by other artists, designers and products. Overall we want to design and create a object that is both visually and digitally compelling.Our product will go through many stages of development and will be based around budget but we will not treat this as target.Through design and play we want create a sense of joy and happiness for the user.Making individuals more aware of the creative ways they can use their senses.

Team Wavy

Our team has a wide range of design specialisations, which allows for the overseeing of certain areas of expertise. Collectively we aim to face this project with a flexible approach to task delegation. This means that our specialisations will not limit the scope of our contributions to the project, which will allow for an openness to learning if a member wants to lead or assist on a task.

This way of converging differing interests and coordinating the outcome will be paired with a focus on designing for fine aesthetic, a sense of wonder, inspiration for innovation, and the encouragement of open design through accessibility.

Team Illumination

overview: In this studio paper students will utilise open design methodologies and digital fabrication tools to produce an open design project. They will explore the possibilities and articulate issues related to an open design philosophy whilst developing skills in making and digital fabrication.

OVER THE FIRST WEEK OF THE PROJECT! See you in February for other developments!

The knowledge through the experience in my opinion is the key to personal growth.

2nd month


Lucia Arcangeli Feb 5, 2016

February Workflow: Step by Step

F.2.2. About Team project 2nd Week: Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Costruction project groups - Team Parsnip, Team Wawy, Team Illumination

Research and studio, development idea.

Introduction of open design Whakapapa

By group research presentations

F.2.3. 3th Week Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Costruction project groups - Team Parsnip, Team Wawy, Team Illumination

Research and studio, development idea.

Introduction of open design Whakapapa

By group research presentations

F.2.4 4th Week Open Design & Digital Fabrication

Costruction project groups - Team Parsnip, Team Wawy, Team Illumination

Research and studio, development idea.

Introduction of open design Whakapapa

By group research presentations

G. Developmets Lamp Project

G.1. 1st experience with Laser Cutter

G.1.1. I would like cut my spiral!

1st Example
1st Example
2nd Example
2nd Example
3th Example
3th Example
RGB45c Working!That's All Right!
RGB45c Working!That's All Right!
RGB45c Working!That's All Right!
RGB45c Working!That's All Right!

3th month


Lucia Arcangeli Feb 10, 2016

Object’s effect & Object Affects - personal experimental research

In psychology of art, the relationship between art and emotion has newly been the subject of extensive study. Emotional or aesthetic responses to art have previously been viewed as basic stimulus response, but new theories and research have suggested that these experiences are more complex and able to be studied experimentally.Emotional responses are often regarded as the keystone to experiencing art, and the creation of an emotional experience has been argued as the purpose of artistic expression.[2]Research has shown that the neurological underpinnings of perceiving art differ from those used in standard object recognition. Instead, brain regions involved in the experience of emotion and goal setting show activation when viewing art.

This was my start

This is my development

D.3 This will be my goal

Experience Wellington

Italian Cuisine Nina’s House Wellington

Traditional Central Italian cuisine uses ingredients such as tomatoes, all kinds of meat, fish, and pecorino or parmigiano cheese. In Rome, pasta (especially pappardelle or fettuccine) are traditionally served with meat sauce, vegetables or mushrooms&tartufo.

Working progress Fettuccine
Working progress Fettuccine

FuNny DaY

A very distant day , in the city of Wellington , madness invaded the city , this was the reaction of the young workers of the FabLab WGTN.

2016 Fab Academy Fabbercise from FabLabWellington on Vimeo.